New Homes Vs Used Homes
Whether you are a first time buyer, upgrading or purchasing yet another investment property… choosing the right place for you is never a decision made lightly.
There is an abundance of considerations that come into play for home buyers and with the magnitude of time spent in one’s home, you want to be sure you’re making the right decision!
There is a growing trend toward home owners opting toward new homes as opposed to the ‘fixer-up’ or the ‘reduced divorce property.’
Perhaps this could be due to new home owners wanting to avoid any bad juju? Or more likely due to the many benefits that come with a brand new home!
Prime Building Project’s 1-5 reasons home buyers want new homes rather than used (or preloved) homes. Read on if you’re stuck between a rock and a hard place when it comes to deciding between new Vs used home ownership.
1. My home my way
AKA; ultimate customisation. Starting from scratch offers home buyers the opportunity to create their dream home! From the interior paint job to the alfresco outdoor area. You can choose your tiling, floorboards, window frames, bedroom styling, bathrooms and well just about everything! Imagine just how personalised your new home can be when building with Prime Building Projects. Whether your vibe is 1970s, 1600s or as recent as the 00s anything is possible. We have seen pizza ovens as the kitchen’s main feature, black interior paint jobs, insane rooftops and ultra modern security systems that just aren’t possible in used homes.
2. Brand spanking new and under warranty
While most buyers expect used homes to be the cheaper option, when it comes down to it, opting for a new home offers more value in the long run. All new installations, furnishings and electrics will come under warranty and for a decent length of time too. Rest assured that your hard earned money is well invested with a new home. Not to mention the energy efficient options that are often built in with new homes, used homes often have outdated systems in place that can cost you a pretty penny.
3. Safety first
One of the best features of new homes, is the extensively safe infrastructure, systems and overall ratings. Many used homes come with safety hazards such as false walls, asbestos or other harmful materials and outdated installments. Rest assured your new home will feature modern, state of the art facilities. That includes eco-friendly air conditioning, sustainable lighting choices and SAFE fittings.
4. The benefits of modern technology
Because who doesn’t like showing off a brand new technically savvy system at your new home? Dimmer switches, touch screen door alarms, finger-print access, surround sound systems, floor-heating and solar panels are just the beginning! Have the benefit of choosing any and every top of the line digitised living addition when building from scratch. Fancy yourself a true fortress? Two words… safe room. Bunker down in your safe room with 360 degree footage of your home and a panic button… because even if you never do use it (we hope you would never have to), you’re still going to LOVE having it.
5. Fresh beginnings
At Prime Building Projects, one of our favourite parts of purchasing a brand new home is the awaiting opportunities. The opportunity for a fresh, new beginning. That when you step into the threshold of your new home, you will be the very first to do so. Allowing you and your family to foster a positive energy throughout the house from day one, unaltered and without previous influence. Create memories that will last a lifetime as you turn the new house into a forever home.
When it comes to choosing a new home over a used home the answer seems pretty simple to us!
With Prime Building Projects your dream home can become a reality, with your exact vision coming to life before you.
There are few things in life that you will invest as much time, money and memories into like you will your home!
So make sure you are 100% certain when deciding between purchasing a used home or a brand spanking new one!
If you have any enquiries about purchasing a new home, head on over to the Prime Building Projects website.
Have a scroll through some of our most popular new homes and read the happy reviews from our clients who picked NEW over used.
We can guarantee you will find yourself adding to the reasons home buyers want a new home vs a used home.
Further Reading: